The year 2020 was turmoil though it brought some constructive time for all of us. With months of lockdown, businesses like ours suffered a lot, but the best thing was we got time to spend with our family. Our plans was all shattered. We, the team of Thought Factory, was miserable due to the storm going on in our life. At that moment, our founder, MS. Priyanka Saha, a woman with big dreams, calm and full of energy, told us that “if you come to an obstruction in a road, you can seek to circumvent it”.

We are so happy to be back on the track. A peaceful mind can bring creative ideas; yes, definitely it works for us. During the pandemic situation we decided to add more feathers to our company, and here we are. We have become the best one-stop solution for all forms of Media Production, Events, and Animation.
What does Thought Factory do?
Let me elaborate our work, we have separate teams for different sections. We have done Short Films, Digital Advertisement, Model Shoots, Product Shoots, Corporate Films, CSR Presentation, Music Videos. Under Events, we conduct Corporate Events, Special Events like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Surprise Parties, Baby Shower, etc. Apart from this, we specialize in WEDDING. From the Pre-wedding, the Bachelorette party, all types of rituals, you name it, we will make it. Adding another gem in the wedding list is DESTINATION WEDDING. It can be your dream of a palace, beside the giggling sea, or on the lap of snow-covered mountains, we have thousands of ideas, all we need is your enthusiasm. Last but not the least, there is Animation, our seasoned team can create 2D as well as 3d animation.
What does Our Logo mean?
Continues delivery of products can thought of as a factory. So, we are the factory of thoughts. And this thought is yours, as we are happy to make your thoughts come true. Whenever you are thinking about any events, production, in your thinking cloud you will get only us. Thought Factory within your thinking cloud and will be forever. That is how our logo represent our motto, that is #youthinkweexecute.